An Estate, Probate & Medicaid Planning Attorney
with 39 years of personal service
and experience
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Do I Need Estate Planning?

What happens to your estate, who gets control of your assets, and whether it can properly protect and provide for your spouse, children and other loved ones depends on your estate planning. One wrong word on a Deed may change entirely how a parcel of real estate is divided. The failure to have a properly prepared Will could mean that your estate is divided in a way entirely unexpected by you. In other cases, due to the size of the estate, the existence of blended or complicated family situations, or the type of assets in the estate may warrent more elaborate and complicated estate planning.

Click Here to See Why Estate Planning Can Help »

Do I Need A Probate?

A probate case is not always something to be feared. With proper planning and a Will, a probate can be your best friend. While there are times when it is important to avoid probate, avoiding probate may not be either necessary or adviseable. In some states, with a proper Will, probate is a relatively inexpensive procedure and may be necessary even with the existence of a Trust or complicated planning. Sadly, expensive estate planning and trusts are often sold to people who don't need either and cost far more that it would cost to prepare a Will and simply go through a probate.

Click for Information on Probate »

Medicaid Planning

One area of planning that many estate planners forget is "Medicaid Planning". In reality, this is planning for the almost inevitable need for long-term institutional or nursing home care. Many an estate plan is rendered worthless if proper planning for this later long term care is ignored. There is little as painful as to watch a person's estate decimated by the costs of this care, especially when a little advanced planning might allow most of the person's estate plan desired to have still been implemented. But this does require a willingness to plan well before the need for long term care becomes obvious. Read on for some ideas and suggestions in this area. Come learn the ins and outs so that you can be properly prepared.

Click for Information on Medicaid Planning »

Free Consultation

We offer a free in-office consultation. With 30 years of experience, we've seen it all and can effectively analyze and inform you of your options.. Come find out what your options are. The best thing you can do for yourself is to discover what is available to ensure that your estate goes where intended and properly protects your loved ones.

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See Why So Many Clients Have Used Our Services.

Estate planning can be simple or complex depending upon your desires and assets. Experience and expertise have become more important than ever. Inexperienced counsel (and non-attorney "services") have caused problems for many estates and probate cases. We are constantly frustrated by the attorneys who sell clients on expensive estate planning and trust packages that simple are not needed or helpful. We simply will not "sell" you on something that isn't helpful to your situation. Our firm offers the best combination of price, service and experience available. And we have for years!

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Our new office (just off I-25 and Colorado Boulevard) is designed with you in mind. No longer do you have to work your way through Downtown Denver and search for parking.We are easy to get to, free parking is plentiful and we are central to all of the Denver Metro Area.

In addition, we are now one of the most technologically modern offices, allowing you to avoid unnecessary trips to the office, offering more online access to your case information, providing more concern for your privacy and confidentiality, and allowing us to provide the best service at a lower cost.